Monday, October 24, 2011

The End of Fashion Week

My very first Fashion Week has come to an end. In addition to feeling exhausted, I feel a little saddened that I have to wait another six months before I get to participate in another Fashion Week.

My week was filled with a lot of late nights, early mornings, and TTC tokens. In addition to walking at fashion week, I had midterms to study for and write. It was stressful and tiring, but it was so worth it.

The designers that I walked for were so passionate and dedicated to their craft. It was incredibly inspiring to see. I think the moment that I realized I was a part of someone's vision occurred to me when designer, Sid Neigum, was punching holes into the leather straps of the shoes he and his uncle had hand-crafted, to ensure a custom-fit for my foot. He made the shoe fitted to my foot - I felt like an important asset to his collection. I love seeing artists at work. I find it to be truly moving and real, yet so simplistic.

So fashion week has ended. I went home on the weekend to visit my family members who had come to Ontario for a family reunion. I didn't know half of the people who were there, but it was beautiful seeing my mom, aunts, and uncles interact with the family members from their childhood. Overall, it was a nice way to spend my time out of the city, surrounded by people I care about, who care about me, and by reminiscing about fond memories.

-Satisfy my Soul

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